Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Jamaican Patties

Hello!!  My husband, which just happens to be an amazing 
chef, is making his delicious Jamaican Patties.  
Today be the first to get your order in! 

 If you've never had the privilege of trying these Jamaican patties, 
I encourage you to order a couple to get a LITTLE taste.  
To those who have received the treat of tasting his patties, 
please leave us a comment on how you enjoyed them :)

Check out the info below:

Jammin Patties 

CJ’s Jammin patties are pastries that contain various fillings and spices baked inside a flaky shell, often tinted a golden color.

Meat Patty - $2 ea. or $18 per doz.
-         Seasoned ground turkey mixed with CJ’s signature blend of Caribbean spices.

Veggie Patty - $2 ea. or $18 per doz.
-          Scrumptious mix of veggies – green beans, broccoli, corn, eggplant, carrots, spinach & onions – seasoned to perfection.


To order, please call
Chef James at (209) 271-5586
Delivery charge $2.00 or come by and pick them up for no charge 
When placing orders over 5 doz.,
please allow 5- 7 days

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Today, the last day of the school year ~

Today is the last day of school and I'm not sure if I'm excited about it or dreading the summer days with my boys saying "i'm bored" or "can we call our friends" (when the timing is all wrong and I have to say no again)  or "what are we doing today"  or "do I have to fold my clothes" or, or, or, or . . .  LOL

The last week of school were fun!

Caleb had a young author's tea.  He wrote two stories and drew pictures of it and made it into a book.  
He's very creative and had great lessons in the stories.

Then there was his last choral concert

Christopher's Graduating from preschool yesterday

Here's he's getting his graduation certificate :)

One of his friends, Logan

Both boys have done so well in school and I'm very thankful for all of their teachers who put so much EXTRA time and effort into making this year great.

Caleb's reading and math scores were very low in the beginning of the year, but through hard work and diligence, his scores have gone up double maybe more - very proud momma's moment.

Christopher has learned his alphabets and number and how to write his full name.  
Also, memorized his phone number and can write it out.  It's amazing to see the progress throughout the year.

So glad that I can be attentive to the great memories of my boys growing up . . . life goes by so fast and sometimes we have take a few moments and slow down.  

Friday, May 20, 2011

Burp Clothes

A friend suggested that I make burp clothes for my sister, Jocelyne, who had a baby last Aug and I thought about even selling them, but I wasn't sure if they would be good or even if anyone would like them. 
 So, I made a few and had my sister be my "guinea pig". 
 I also wanted to give her something that I knew she didn't have.

Well, Jocelyne LOVED them and encouraged me to make more to sell . . . . . so here I am.

 This is what it looks like spread out. I can customized the color scheme to your nursery depending on availability of fabric.
Here's the set of 3 for a boy

Here's a set for a girl

Each set will have it's own customized tag.

Right now, I only have these prints, but I'm working on different colors and designs.

I would love to hear your comments!!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

In honor of my mom

Where do I start . . .

 I've been thinking about writing this all week and have even starting this blog a few times, but didn't know where to start, yet have so much to say about who my mom was and the legacy she leaves behind.

I miss my mom so much,  for some reason, last fall until now it has hit me a little harder.  I'm not sure if it's because my baby sister Joelle and older brother Julien got married last year, or that Jocelyne had a baby girl.  Our family is growing and mom would have LOVED every single part of it.

She was an amazing mom!!!   Even though she was strict, she was kind, gentle and loving.
The wisdom she shared about life was far beyond what you would ever learn in school or even receive a degree in.  I remember the training as she fostered children in our home - she always used different situations as tools to teach us kids.  

Mom was passionate about music and loved to sing. When she sang, it was more than just singing for her - her heart's desire was to minister to those who were hurting through music.   She loved to worship God. 
Mom had a burden and heart for young moms - she would always take the babies and put them to sleep when the moms were so tired and overwhelmed - it was her special gift.

She fought a good fight and even though we think that cancer had won the battle -
 it didn't!!!!
God was in control of every step of her fight with cancer.  I still believe that God is a healer and will stand on His promises.  It doesn't take the pain or lose away, but it gives me hope that I will see her again.

This is the last family picture we took, a year before she passed away.

I choose to be thankful, 

Thankful for the time I had with my mom. 
Thankful for all that she invested in my and my siblings
Thankful for the love and respect she had for my dad 
Thankful for her unconditional love, even when we as kids disappointed her
Thankful for her instructions and teaching
Thankful for her discipline, even when it  hurt :)
Thankful for the joy she had - she loved to laugh
Thankful for the legacy she left behind
Thankful for her relationship with God
Thankful for being a Godly example as a mother and wife
Thankful for being my MOM