Saturday, December 31, 2011

"W" Monogram Pillow

This pillow didn't cost me a thing.  All the items I had already.  
  • a pillow (I've had for years), 
  •  material  (from a curtain project that I had done)
  • Sure Cuts a lot (software for my cricut)
  • Cricut
  • freezer paper  (click to see the tutorial)
  • paint

The old cover had zipper, I just removed it and put it on the new material (it was great practice, since I'm not that great at sewing zippers)


Red Ruffle Pillow

I bought pillows from the thrift store for under $1, and I used extra material from the ruffle knit scarf I had made earlier in the week. I used the old cover as my pattern (sorry I forget to get pictures) and I cut out the front panel 15X15. For the back, I cut two panels and sewed a hem to easy access to put in the pillow - I didn't sew the pillow in, it can be taken out . . . I don't remember what you call it.  

Ok, for the ruffle strips, I cut 2in strips with my rotary cutter (love that thing)

using my largest length stitch, I sewed down the center without locking the top and bottom for easy gathering

 once each strip were gathered, I pinned it to the top of the pillow and sewed each strip in the center over top of the gathering stitch.  The biggest challenge was keeping the fabric from moving (it was very slippery fabric)

 Viola - the finished product. I had fun making it!

reflecting back on 2011 . . . .

Can't believe that today is the last day of 2011 . . . .

It's been a while since I've blogged, I've thought about writing, but since I'm not a natural writer it takes me longer to think about what I'm going to say and then by the time I sit and start to write, I either have nothing to say or I have to pick up the kids from school, or put the clothes in the dryer or make lunch or something.

Here are just a few highlights of the past year:

My boys:  


 He turned 9 in Sept and entered into 4th grade and doing well,
very thankful for great teachers.

He played flag football in the summer, but didn't win one game -which really discouraged him, but he didn't give up.  He also got the great opportunity to be part of a great soccer team in the fall, the team was in  31st place in the league and won majority of their games, but the end of the soccer season, the team was in 2nd place in the league. Being part of a team with great coaches and great players really helped him gain back his confidence and love of playing.


He turned 5 in April and finish pre-school and entered Kindergarten in the fall
A watermelon volcano cake I made him

He got to finally play a sport too this year . . . we missed the soccer deadline (which he really wanted to play) so we sign him up for T-Ball. 
 He was just so excited to finally be part of a team, instead of watching his brother play

The biggest highlight for me this past year in April was when my family - 
Jocelyne and niece Alyssa, Joelle and Colin and Dad came to visit. 

Dad and his grandkids

Our business:
James had several TV cooking segments at KCRA, which was a fun experience!
We also did Caribbean Dinner cruises in the Delta in Stockton.  
It was alot of work, but everyone had a great time. 
It has been a slow year for our business, but God has always met our needs.

I start up sewing more these past few months, I'll be uploading more tutorial soon with my projects, also my new thing is pinterest (love that site) it has given me great inspiration for crafts, sewing, scrapbooking, etc - check it out, it's fun!

Well, I know this has been a very long blog, 
but I wanted to highlight a few facts in our lives.
2011 has been a year of ups and downs, but through it all, 
we have used every situation as teaching tools and have grown from it.  
We look forward to 2012 to see what God is going to do in our lives. 

Happy New Year!!!!