Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A fresh start . . . .

A step of faith . . . . where do I start? 
I feel like I'm venturing out into a new season in my life.

I quit my job at Costco working with flowers and stay at home full time, be with my kids more and help my husband with our business - J.Williams Events, Inc. It's a scary move, because I will no longer have my small check with my own name on it - and that's huge.  I'll be staying home more - which right now seems like a great idea only because I'm never home long enough to get anything done.  I've prayed and fasted for God's clear direction and really felt like it's the Will of God to quit, I felt His peace in my decision, along with the support from my husband, family and close friends (I'd count my kids in, but they don't really understand right now . . . but in the future they may)

So what do I do NOW . . . . . ????????? 
Oh, I have tons of THINGS to do, but where do I start???? 

 I've written down my goals for organizing and even starting a home base business . . . . . big question is "where do I start?"

So I thought, well, I've always wanted to blog, I'll start here and IF I get any followers . . . .well, I can bounce ideas of and see what happens :)

Went online today to see if "google" had an great advice on where to start organizing, that I may have missed last time I was there (a month ago) but it didn't - although I did find some good info.  Soooooooo, I'm going to start actually cleaning up first, I have small piles of clothes (clean laundry), mis-matched socks, piles of paper.  My thought is "how can you de-clutter with messes everywhere?"  That's what I did today, but started late because I went to MOPS (mother of preschoolers) this morning, then picked Christopher up from preschool, fed him lunch by this time is later in afternoon.  

Now the things about being a stay-at-home working mom, when you get in the middle of an organizing task or any other task for that matter, it ALWAYS get interrupted by the kids who NEED something - like all of sudden they're hungry!!!!  Ha, I'm happy to announce that I got a pile of clean clothes sorted and put away, went through two files of paperwork, dinner made (yes, I made dinner tonight) I had roasted chicken, which I put in the oven myself, with gravy (I also made that from scratch) and salad, Caleb had roasted chicken, baked potato and green beans. Christopher had white rice & turkey burger with pineapples (which he didn't like the pineapples warm - he likes it cold) 

Well, that's it for now . . . . think i'm going to like this blogging thing


  1. Hey Janelle, nice to see you blogging!! I find the best way to start the de-cluttering process is focus on one room at a time. Then it doesn't seem so overwhelming. And I'm pretty ruthless. If I haven't used something in over a year, I get rid of it. When I buy something new I usually try to get rid of something too. I can't stand clutter :P I don't know if you've ever heard of flylady but if you google it you may find some really great ideas of how to organize, clean and de-clutter your home.

  2. Hey Wendy - thanks for the info. Yes I've heard about flylady, don't really use it, but I think I may since I'm venturing out on new territory (LOL)
    My challenge is that live in a small space - an apartment with little storage. I have to get creative with where I put things for our lives, business and hobbies (i scrapbook & sew)

    thanks so much, will use your idea about starting in one room.
